Associate Photographer Survey Your NameWedding Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Working Hours for Submission*Lead PhotographerDid anything happen on the wedding day that we should know about?How did it impact the work?Is there anything we could have done differently to be more prepared?On a scale of 1-4 please rate YOURSELF (4 being best)SKILLSPersonal Appearance:*Did it look like you put effort into your appearance? 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Knowledgeable of Timeline + Shot List:*Were you mentally ahead of the time and communicating it to others. Time management of the day. Not ahead of schedule, but "hey guys in 15 minutes we are doing this..." 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Photographer Presence:*Appropriate interaction and energy levels. Present, not on your phone. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*How Well Did You Stay In Character?*Attentive, Actively working, present, engaged 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*ATTITUDEOverall Attitude:*Need to know your stuff. A good aura. Positive outlook and demeanor. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Service Oriented Mindset:*Serve the team + the client. Serve other vendors. Were you willing to do the work outside of their job description? Team oriented mindset. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Stamina and Effort:*110% there. Not lazy 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*KNOWLEDGECommunication:*Did your communication affect the team positively or negatively? Appropriate, Received and Acknowledged. Concise and clear / Complete or Anything Lacking / delivered kindly 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Analyze & Urgently Problem Solve:*Were you able to anticipate and mitigate challenges? When an unexpected challenge arose, how did you respond to it? Did you have the necessary knowledge? Did you handle the situation calmly, quickly, discreetly, and without adding to the stress? 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Overall Excellence:*Surprise and delight. Did you actively connect or engage the three key players? (The couple and both sets of parents.). Delivering more than just checking the boxes of the shot list. Knowing to direct and deliver more of what would make them happy. 1 2 3 4 List Excellence Here*On a scale of 1-4 please rate your LEAD PHOTOGRAPHER (4 being best)Lead Photographer’s Name:SKILLSPersonal Appearance:*Were they well groomed and dressed appropriately. Does it look like they put effort into their appearance? 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Knowledgeable of Timeline + Shot List:*Were they mentally ahead of the time and communicating it to others. Time management of the day. Not ahead of schedule, but "hey guys in 15 minutes we are doing this..." 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Photographer Presence:*Appropriate interaction and energy levels. Present, not on your phone. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*How Well Did They Stay in Character?*Attentive, Actively working, present, engaged 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*ATTITUDEOverall Attitude:*Did they hold themselves confidently. Not timid. Need to know their stuff. A good aura. Positivity outlook and demeanor. Smile on face. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Service Oriented Mindset:*Serve the team + the client. Serve other vendors. Were they willing to do the work outside of their job description? Team oriented mindset. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Stamina and Effort:*110% there. Not lazy 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*KNOWLEDGECommunication:*Did their communication affect the team positively or negatively? Appropriate, Received and Acknowledged. Concise and clear / Complete or Anything Lacking / Delivered kindly 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Analyze & Urgently Problem Solve:*What happened that was unexpected and how did they respond to it? Was the amount of stress caused by running behind solving the problem? (ie: They got it done, but the stress was not worth rushing through something.) 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*Overall Excellence:*Surprise and delight. Did they recently connect or engage the three key players? (The couple and both sets of parents.). Delivering more than just checking the boxes of the shot list. Knowing to direct and deliver more of what would make them happy. 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ