Emily Herren of Champagne and Chanel and Lee Travis smiled their way through golden hour at the new Commodore Perry Estate in Austin for engagement portraits. Quite frankly, they are as lovely and in love as they come! We first met the engaged couple at the home they will soon share together. Portraits began by cozying up at home before heading to the Commodore, with portraits and a date night as reason to dress up.
Engagement portraits are mile-markers on your way to the altar so most importantly, they should reflect your relationship and demeanor as a couple. At home with Emily and Lee, we witnessed moments of this for them! Reese and Murphy, also blonde and beautiful, excitedly hopped on the couch with Emily and Lee reflecting a true “everyday” moment. The home’s arc brisé and pumpkin-adorned porch also provided the perfect backdrop for “family portraits” for the beaming couple to commemorate this new season of life together.
Heading to the Commodore provided an opportunity to transition to more formal (but definitely no less fun) attire and portraits. Along the paved garden paths of the estate, Emily and Lee were “non-stop giggles” (as Emily said!) Lee didn’t hesitate to make the most of the occasion with every stair, step, and twirl next to Emily. When the groom adds this level of humor and playfulness to a portrait session, we know they’ll be great! We ended in front of the sprawling rose bushes and a golden, Austin sunset that has us so excited to be a part of the future Travis’ wedding day!