We are excitedly making our way to the getaway car departing 2020!
The final farewell always seems to stand out as one of the most memorable moments we photograph. Sparklers shoot in the air, confetti flutters to the ground, friends and family cheer and all at once, they’re off! Watching newlyweds exit hand in hand is truly special. For the first time they are entering the real world as husband and wife. Walking out to everyone creates a euphorically simultaneous end to the night and new beginning for both the couple and their guests.
As we bid adieu to 2020 and make our way into 2021 it is with the same delight that we anticipate all that is to come and all that lies ahead in the new year. Throughout this year we’ve laughed together, cried together, and most importantly supported each other through everything this crazy year has brought us. With 2021 now so clearly on the horizon, there is so much hope that lies ahead that is finally in reach.
Here is to holding our heads high as we exit 2020 and anticipate all that 2021 will bring us! Cheers!