Meet Stephanie, our lead photographer extraordinaire. She is confident behind the camera and will lead you and your family through your whole day of pictures. She does an excellent job at capturing both portraits and sentimental moments in ways that you will treasure far after the images are taken. Get to know her a little better with her 63 questions!

What is the last song you listened to? Strawberry Fields by the Beatles
What’s the last thing you did for the first time? Skydiving
Where’s your favorite dinner spot in Dallas? Javier’s
Best tacos? Velvet taco – spicy tikka chicken
Sushi or pizza? Sushi
Drink of choice? Perrier, room temperature
Books or movies? Movies
What’s your favorite movie? Princess Bride
A book that everyone should read? Daring Greatly
A movie that everyone should see? BBC’s Pride & Prejudice
What’s your guilty pleasure? Online shopping
One talent you wish you had? Singing
If you could switch lives with someone who would it be? As tacky as it sounds, I’ve never once wished for that, to be honest. I truly love my life!!
If you could have coffee with someone from the past, who would it be? George Harrison
Three people, dead or alive, who you would invite to a dinner party? Ellen, Ansel Adams, and Walt Disney
Best gift you’ve ever received? Any time I receive a thoughtful letter as a gift, it truly means the most to me.
Best gift you’ve ever given? Personalized custom piece of art
Favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip
What is your favorite dessert? Key Lime Pie
What’s a dessert you don’t like? Tiramisu
Hair up or hair down? Down
Favorite color? Green
Favorite TV show? The Office
If you could make a cameo on one TV show, what would it be? Downton Abbey
Favorite band? Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
Favorite solo artist? Ray Lamontagne
What’s a song you could listen to on repeat and never get tired of? Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be? Nobody wants that, but I’d love to be serenaded by Michael Bublé
What’s your go-to karaoke song? Rosanna by Toto
What’s your favorite animal? Snow leopard
Summer or Winter? Autumn or Spring? Autumn
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Personable, Adventurous, & Creative
What’s one app on your phone you couldn’t live without? Spotify
Where’s your dream vacation? Northern Ireland
Best vacation you’ve been on? Kayaking along the Norwegian fjords
What’s one thing you always travel with? My camera
Window or aisle seat? Window
If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? It sounds cliché but I had the chance to move wherever I wanted several years ago and I chose to move to Dallas.
Three things you can’t live without? My sisters, music, and mountain vacations
Are you a morning or night person? Night
Do you have kids? I have two kids
How old are they? My son is 5 (and one half — the half is very important) and my daughter is 3
What’s the best thing about being a parent? Bedtime. Lol but seriously, watching my children become and enjoy being friends with each other.
What’s a small thing that makes your day better? Coming home to a clean house.
What’s your biggest strength? Compassion … empathy
What did you want to be when you were younger? I have wanted to be a photographer since I learned to use my dad’s 35mm Pentax camera at age 9
Who is your inspiration? My little brother. He is resilient, wicked smart, and the most genuine person I’ve ever known.
What’s your favorite compliment you’ve ever received? Being told that I am a good listener.
Best piece of advice you’ve received? If you maintain a true principal, you will never be alone.
One piece of advice you’d give to your younger self? Be selective with whom you surround yourself.
What got you into wedding photography? I photographed my first wedding for a family friend when I was only 18 years old as a favor. Being able to preserve those tender moments that flew by on the day felt like magic. I knew from then on it was the only thing I wanted to do, and I’ve been doing it for 14 years now.
How many weddings have you photographed in your career- ballpark? 375 or more.
What’s your favorite wedding cake? This strikes a chord because my grandmother baked wedding cakes, and Carrot Cake was always my favorite of hers.
How long have you worked at John Cain Photography? Since March 2019
Where’s your favorite destination you’ve traveled for a wedding? San Francisco
What’s a dream destination you hope to go to for a wedding? Montana …. Or Hawaii
Favorite part of a wedding? At every wedding, there is a moment when the bride and groom look at each other and have this “OMG!! We’re married!! This is the best day ever!!” private moment, even if it’s in the middle of a packed dance floor.
Film or digital? Digital
Dallas or destination? This isn’t a fair choice. Destination if I had to choose, but it’s not about the location as much as the people and celebration itself.
Favorite Dallas venue? Also not a fair choice. Arlington Hall, today. It may change next week.
Favorite memory as a wedding photographer? There was one church ceremony where immediately following the couple’s first kiss there was a huge peal of thunder, as if God Himself were applauding and approving the union. It was breathtaking!
What are you most excited about these days? Honestly, my next wedding. I love the couples and families I’ve been able to work with, and each celebration is new and exciting.