W. Lovers Lane received a jolly dose of holiday cheer thanks to our friends at Jackson Durham Events and Juliska. Fitting the John Cain Photography aesthetic, Jackson Durham dressed our studio in a timeless Christmas manner—only red, green, and gold accents. A tall Christmas tree adorned with red ornaments and white twinkle lights created ideal holiday ambience in our meeting room set for an intimate Christmas dinner. The long, family style table centered at the mantel, shining with a gilded wreath, was set for a cozy, holiday dinner. We selected the Christmas Country Estate china to fill the table—scenes from timeless Christmas tales were illustrated on each plate, bowl, and serving piece. We pulled berry and thread hemstitch napkins through a twine wrapped napkin ring which was topped with a hand-painted reindeer.
Is a Christmas dinner really complete without dessert? Using Juliska cake domes and platters, we set out darling decorated sugar cookies by Highland Park Pie Lady for Santa. They were truly a treat for the eyes and mouth! Cookies were accompanied by pumpkin pie, fruit scones, and peppermint sticks. All that was missing from the table was family and friends and friends to cherish the memories with!

John Cain Photography
Christmas Decor
Jackson Durham Events