On April 7, 2018, Morgan McNeely and Chris Miller married at Valley Hunt Club in Pasadena, California. The private club happens to be around the corner from the iconic home featured in Father of the Bride. The picket fence, the colonial architecture, the hunter green door and shutters—a few reasons this house is a timeless example of picturesque Americana lifestyle. Steve Martin writes a love letter to this home in the opening of the Nancy Meyers movie: “I love this house. I love that I taught my kids to ride their bikes in the driveway. I love that I slept with them in tents in the backyard. I love that we carved our initials in the tree out front. This house is warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and looks spectacular with Christmas lights. It’s a great house. I never want to move. But the thing I think I like best about this house are the voices I hear when I walk through the door.”
It’s quotes like the one above that make your heart melt when you see the home and why a bride would want to take wedding portraits outside the home on wedding day, just as Morgan did just two years ago. The home is so interwoven with the movie characters and story beloved by all. Even 20 years later, the movie is not just relatable, but still captures all the anxiety, family dynamics, stressors, and sentimental moments felt on a wedding day. In light of being outside the Father of the Bride home two years ago, we some of our favorite Father of the Bride quotes!

George: “I used to think a wedding was a simple affair. Boy and girl meet, they fall in love, he buys a ring, she buys a dress, they say I do. I was wrong. That’s getting married. A wedding is an entirely different proposition. I know. I’ve just been through one. Not my own, my daughter’s. Annie Banks-MacKenzie. That’s her married name: MacKenzie. I’ll be honest with you, when I bought this house seventeen years ago it cost less than this blessed event in which Annie Banks became Annie Banks-MacKenzie. I’m told that one day I’ll look back on all this with great affection. I hope so.”

Annie: “I met a man in Rome and he’s wonderful and brilliant and we’re getting married”

“George: Well, what is that? Is that dollars? $1,200?
Franck: Well, Mr. Banks. This is a very reasonable price for a cake of this magnitude.
George: A cake, Franck, is made of flour and water. My first car didn’t cost $1,200.
Franck: Well, welcome to the nineties, Mr. Banks!”

“Bryan: I just wanna say that I’m an upstanding citizen. I’ve never been engaged before. I’ve never really been in love before. And I think Annie’s the greatest person I’ve ever met. And I can’t wait to marry her and one day have children, and grand children. And I’m going to do my best to be supportive of her dreams. She’s a very gifted architect. I’m just thrilled that I met her. I love your daughter. The feelings I have for her are never gonna change. I’m here to stay.”

“Franck: Now, Mr. Banks, please, about the seafood. Hanck wants to know if it’s okay or not to cook.
George: No Franck. Tell Hanck it’s not okay. If I have to move out all the furniture and add amps and repaint the walls and get a new tux and pay for swans, then I’d like the cheaper chicken. Is that clear?”

“George: Two hundred and fifty dollars a head means that for the four of us to attend this wedding in our own home will cost one thousand dollars. Therefore, we are not getting up from this table until we cut this list down to the bare minimum. Now, invite as many people as you want to the church. Pack ’em in. Build a grandstand if you want, but we are not having more than one hundred and fifty people in this house on the day of the wedding. All right, let’s start eliminating.
Nina: Okay. Jim Pepper and wife.
George: Oh, great. Start with one of my guys.”

“George: Who presents this woman? This woman? But she’s not a woman. She’s just a kid. And she’s leaving us. I realized at that moment that I was never going to come home again and see Annie at the top of the stairs. Never going to see her again at our breakfast table in her nightgown and socks. I suddenly realized what was happening. Annie was all grown up and was leaving us, and something inside began to hurt.”

“George: This was the moment I had been dreading for the past six months. Well, actually for the past twenty-two years…Annie overwhelmed me. She was as calm and cool as I had ever seen her. Very unBanks-like.”

“George: You have a little girl, an adorable little girl who looks up to you and adores you in a way you could never have imagined. I remember how her little hand used to fit inside mine, how she used to love to sit on my lap and lean her head against my chest. She said I was her hero. Then the day comes when she wants to get her ears pierced and wants you to drop her off a block before the movie theater. Next thing you know she’s wearing eye shadow and high heels. From that moment on you’re in a constant state of panic. You worry about her going out with the wrong kind of guys, the kind of guys who only want one thing, and you know exactly what that one thing is because it’s the same thing you wanted when you were their age. Then she gets a little older and you quit worrying about her meeting the wrong guy, and you worry about her meeting the right guy. And that’s the biggest fear of all because then you lose her. And before you know it, you’re sitting all alone in a big empty house wearing rice on your tux wondering what happened to your life. It was just six months ago that it happened here. Just six months ago that the storm broke.”