We’ve spent more time than ever dining at home this year. My wedding china has successfully been set more often than ever in both formal and casual manners and my Waterford crystal has been more full and clinked than year’s past. Additionally, my Christmas list has been overwhelmed with table linens and entertaining trinkets—many from favorite shops like Land of Belle, Aerin, and Tory Burch—because a well set table is my “happy place”.
More and more brides are foregoing fine china on their registries, but I would encourage the opposite. I love having my fine china and crystal handy, especially when you set it with seasonal linens and floral arrangements. The opportunity to dress your table for special occasions should never be overlooked so I write this message to a bride debating her registry: life is short, register for the china, the crystal, and ask mom about the inherited silver. You won’t regret it!
All this has been on my mind leading up to Thanksgiving in which I anticipate this year’s table. It’s absolutely something I look forward to so I curated a selection of inspiration for this year’s feast!